The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) research shows that if you do not take active measures to reduce emissions by 2100, global average temperatures will rise by 1.8 to 4 degrees Celsius, more frequent bad weather, the human face of sustainable development objectives serious threat. Energy conservation, especially in reducing carbon emissions, protect our planet, Earth, we need everyone to contribute their part.
In today 鏅? work environment, if we want to send a fax, the first is the printer, paper used, followed sent, summoned the other Jieshou will produce a paper, this process 娴垂 the many resources. A business day, 100 fax, each a page - of course most of the volume of business each day the fax number is much higher than this year is 26,000 pages, plus the cost of maintenance supplies and artificial accumulation of down, the annual expenditure of more than a few thousand or even million. The entire life cycle of a tree can absorb one ton of carbon dioxide, if the consumption of paper down to protect forest resources, an additional year will be able to absorb more carbon dioxide, the air quality of our existence will become more pure.
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