Tuesday, September 28, 2010

DreamWeaver Magical form - making Xiangjie frame (3)

2> the production of thin border

Thin border is a popular website to locate a way to differentiate content, with the use of specific images, often to achieve good results, then how to make a thin border it?

We all know that the so-called thin frame, is a general appearance of a simple line of a list box, then we form the object directly to the Border value can be set to 1 does not it? Consider the following production results:

Also in the pages of a single specified location into separate table, table frame with a mouse click to select any one part of it, in the Properties panel will "Border" value set to 1, it can also be another " CellPad "and" CellSpace "zero, as shown:

Preview icon under the different effects:

From the above illustration, not difficult to see the simple effect of the border set to 1 up to less than the following, we see next, how a form of "smart" setting to achieve the required fineness.

Also in the above table, the property board, "border", "cellpad" set to "0", "cellspace" set to "1", attention "Cellspace" refers to the cell and the distance between cells size. Figure

The form of "Bgcolor" set to "red", while the cell "Bgcolor" Set the background color for the same page - "white", preview shown:

In order to facilitate better understanding of where I explain a little further the next.鍏朵腑鎴戜滑灏嗏?CellSpace鈥濊瀹氫负銆??1锛屽湪璁惧畾琛ㄦ牸鐨勮儗鏅鑹叉椂锛屾棤鐤戝凡缁忓寘鎷簡杩欎竴閮ㄥ垎銆?The cells behind the set is exactly it "dumped" down. This led to display results, then change the table to change the background color is the color of the border.


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